Clear Braces | West Covina

Blend In With Ceramic Braces

If you want healthier, straighter teeth but don’t want to hide your smile behind metal braces, then clear braces at Shining Smiles Orthodontics could be the perfect solution for you.

Our patients in and around West Covina love how the ceramic color blends right in with your teeth.

Clear Progress for a Healthy Smile

As a stylish alternative to traditional braces, clear braces offer both comfort and discretion for a remarkable smile transformation.

Clear ceramic braces are also as effective as metal braces at correcting most teeth and bite issues—and they work in the same way as metal braces, too.

However, clear braces offer you a number of distinct advantages, including:

A Transparent Solution

Clear braces closely match the natural color of your teeth, making them nearly invisible, so your genuine smile can shine. If you want to avoid the appearance of metal braces in photos and social interactions, this is a great solution.

Comfortable Brackets

Not only will you barely see your clear braces—but you’ll barely feel them, too.

Crafted from smooth ceramic materials, braces prioritize your comfort with brackets that offer softer, more rounded edges than metal ones, so you enjoy less irritation and a smoother orthodontic experience.

Effective Alignment

Beyond their subtle appearance, clear braces efficiently align your teeth and correct most bite issues, making them virtually as effective as traditional braces.

Versatile Treatment

Clear braces are great for a wide range of orthodontic concerns, including crowding, spacing, misalignment, and bite issues. Dr. Lee will work to see whether they're the perfect choice for your specific needs.

Customization Just for You

At Shining Smiles Orthodontics, Dr. Lee and the team tailor clear ceramic braces to your unique needs. Our goal is to make your experience efficient, precise, and enjoyable throughout your journey.

Making an Informed Choice

While clear braces are a fantastic option that offers all sorts of benefits, they may not be the right choice for everyone’s smile journey.

Consider the following to help you decide if clear braces are right for you:

orthodontics west covina

Lifestyle Considerations

Clear ceramic braces are a perfect fit if you're concerned about braces' appearance and are committed to following your orthodontic plan diligently. Assess your daily routine, including eating habits and oral care practices.

If you’re a fan of wine, coffee, or other liquids with a strong potential for staining, make sure to wash or rinse directly after enjoying these beverages, since clear braces could potentially stain otherwise.

Complexity of Your Case

Clear ceramic braces are a fantastic choice for a variety of cases. If your case requires more extensive correction, Dr. Lee will guide you toward the most suitable treatment option.

Since metal braces are stainless steel, they can handle the most complex cases that require more heavy-duty adjustment.

Clear Braces FAQs

The Choice Is Clear

Are you ready for a refined option that lets you smile with confidence from start to finish? Dr. Lee and the team at Shining Smiles Orthodontics can’t wait to craft the perfect healthy smile for you.

Curious about clear braces? Get answers during your free consultation at our West Covina office.